Less Sugar

In fact, some studies about sugar if someone intake too much sugar it would be as habit-forming as cocaine.

Most of us also know that all addictive substances is difficult stop. So the best way to cut less and avoid it altogether. The truth of that
if you can drink coffee without sweet
for a few weeks, then you won't miss them anymore

Of course, that’s easier said than done. So, if you’re trying to clean up your diet but finding it impossible because you’re always craving,
here’s something to help you get over that hump…

Enter L-glutamine – the most abundant amino acid in your body and a critical component of your brain’s biochemistry.

In a nutshell, when you’re deficient in this nutrient you crave sweets. Correct the imbalance and the cravings virtually disappear.

The best part?

It’s cheap and extremely safe 

(after all, it’s as natural as it gets). 
You can buy it in capsule form in health food stores such as GNC. Typically, it’s taken a few times a day
(e.g. 500 mg. in the morning, afternoon, 
and evening; about 30 minutes before eating) 
and greatly decreases your desire for sweets.

But where L-glutamine really shines is in those “emergencies” (i.e. the times when you absolutely MUST have that piece of cake…
even though you know you shouldn’t).

Here’s what to do in those situations: 
pop open a capsule and let the powder dissolve under your tongue.

This will send it straight to your brain and the cravings will be gone in mere minutes.

Actuary sweets are everywhere, 
it is a good idea always to carry some capsules with you. You never know when you might need them!